Our Estate Social Media Package is specifically designed to help you generate leads, increase you Area awareness and help you drive sales.
What’s Included in the Social Essence Package
- Electronic Business Card Image* and QR card
- Whatsapp Status Marketing Post*
- Client Birthday Video*
- 2x Property Listing drive images (whatsapp, Instagram or Facebook)
- New Listing Overlay image for Canva
- 2x Property Sales drive images
- New listing base image
Items with * are also included in the Base Set.
What We need from you?
- a high quality image (800×800 atleast) of yourself with a flat background.
- Your Credentials
- Your Company Name, Logo and Area(s)
- Your Contact Information
“Buy Now” is charged in US Dollars, to facilitate our international Clients, If you are South African, You can Email us Directly on Sales@lonewolfdigital.com